The following websites may be of interest to the schools sector:
The British Council
The UK's international organisation for educational and cultural relations. The British Council's purpose is to enhance the UK's reputation in the world as a valued partner.
Central Bureau for International Education and Training (CBIET)
The Central Bureau administers the UK side of a wide range of international education and training exchange programmes, and is a division of the British Council. It offers opportunities for pupils, students, teachers, trainers, lecturers and administrators in the UK education and training sectors.
Child Net
A fun site for children to learn and understand the internet.
Commonwealth Institute
The commonwealth Institute is a non-profit, non-governmental public policy research organisation
Developing Effective International Education (DEIEP)
DEIEP is a new pilot initiative which is a partnership between the Scottish Executive - Education Department, The League for the Exchange of Commonwealth Teachers, The Central Bureau for International Education and Training and various local authorities in Scotland.
DfEE - International Students Pages
Up to date information on visa and entry requirements to the UK.
Early Years
Set up by Learning +Teaching Scotland this site provides advice and support for staff working in early years centres and primary schools.
Information on the Prime Minister's Initiative, the EducationUK branding project and information for international students wishing to study in the UK.
European Secondary Heads Association (ESHA)
ESHA's aim is to increase communication between European Secondary Heads and Deputy Heads and provide opportunities for sharing information and developments in the field of education.
General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS)
The role of the GTC in Scottish education is the maintenance and wherever possible the enhancement of professional standards. All its activities are directed towards improving the quality of teaching in Scotland.
Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools (HMIS)
HMIS inspect and publish reports on a wide range of educational establishments, including pre-school centres, nursery, primary, secondary and special schools, further education colleges, teacher education and community education.
Higher Still Development Unit
Contains all the information you need to know about the Higher Still programme.
International Comparisons of School Curriculums
Currently includes national descriptions of 16 countries. It forms part of an ongoing project and, as such, is subject to continual amendment and updating.
International English Language Teaching System (IELTS)
IELTS is a comprehensive test of English language proficiency designed to assess the ability of non-native speakers of English who intend to study or train in the medium of English. The site includes a list of IELTS centres world-wide, organisations recognising IELTS and sample IELTS tests.
League for the Exchange fo Commonwealth Teachers (LECT)
LECT promotes the exchange of teachers between the UK and the rest of the Commonwealth thereby creating international goodwill and understanding.
Learning + Teaching Scotland
Learning and Teaching Scotland was formed on 1st July 2000 by the merger of SCET and the SCCC. Learning and Teaching Scotland aim to fully integrate ICT with the pre-school and school curriculum and to accelerate the implementation of the National Grid for Learning.
Global internet curriculum projects for teachers and students.
The National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC)
NARIC give information and advice on the comparability of international and UK qualifications and promote British qualifications overseas.
National Grid for Learning
A collection of resources brought together by the UK government to promote standards in education and support lifelong learning. The schools area includes the Scottish Virtual Teachers Centre and Information about the Computers for Teachers initiative.
A school linking database established by the Swedish Socrates National Agency with support from the EU.
The first, web-based, interactive learning system fro primary children aged between 5 - 11. Personal tuition in subjects including maths, English, science and spelling. Tailor-made lessons can be downloaded for completion and online tutorial offer hints and monitor progress.
Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS)
SCIS promotes and supports the significant contribution made by independent schools to education in Scotland.
Scottish Council for Research in Education (SCRE)
SCRE conducts educational research and communicates the findings of its own research and that of others through a range of publications. It also responds to enquiries about research and maintains a computerised database of Scottish educational research. (ERSDAT -
The Scottish Executive Education Department (SEED)
SEED promotes a high quality education service in schools and administers Government policy for school education in co-operation with local authorities.
Scottish English Language Teaching in Consortium (SELTIC)
SELTIC represents accredited English language teaching institutions in Scotland. It has 14 institutions from both the private and public sector as members. SELTIC offers advice and consultancy on all aspects of English language teaching.
The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
SQA is the national body in Scotland responsible for the development, accreditation, assessment, and certification of qualifications other than degrees.
Scottish Trade International (STI)
STI is Scotland's lead trade development agency, operated jointly by Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Executive. Focusing on key overseas markets, it helps companies increase their international business, and co-ordinates an effective network of local export support organisations within Scotland.
Scottish Virtual Teachers Centre
SVTC is targeted at practitioners, the educators such as teachers and school librarians who work in the Scottish early years and school sectors.
TeacherNet UK
Telling Tales
A site used by teachers world-wide as a literary resource at both primary and secondary level.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Official TOEFL website, through this site you can convert old and new TOEFL scores and download computer-based and paper-based TOEFL information.
| allows teachers and students from around the globe to share curriculum and ideas.
The United Kingdom Council for Overseas Student Affairs (UKCOSA)
UKCOSA provides information, advice and training about the various aspects of the recruitment and support of international students.
Windows on the World
Windows on the World is a website set up by the Central Bureau to link schools and colleges world-wide and promote international curriculum projects.